Friday, December 17, 2010

Still homeless, but loved

So we are in the middle of week three with the Ohio parents. Being homeless definitely has it's perks: Susan and Andy have been feeding us tasty food (turkey sausages with sauteed onions and peppers last night), we have a x-mas tree decorated, we've made wassail, sugar cookies, and gingerbread men. Life is good.

Laura and I quit our jobs back in October and left life in San Diego to start the road to East Asia. In early November, we were able to spend some time with a Church in Oregon. Here's a pic of the family's three little girls we stayed with:

We were able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents in which we ate a delicious traditional Thanksgiving meal:
Next we drove down to Phoenix to see our dear friends Vince and Verity get married. They had a beautiful outdoor wedding with some great food. Verity looked beautiful and Vince looked, eh, alright :)
After the wedding we flew to Dover, Ohio where we met up with Susan and Andy (Laura's parents). We have planned a busy December and were excited to get to it. We hosted a few desserts for friends, baked cookies, and played with Mina:

We also spent time with Laura's cousin and husband Jan and Dan Landis and their weimaraner Coda. We met them up at a cabin in Seven Springs, Pa. It was snowy and cold, but tons of fun! We played games, ate tasty food, went hiking (and hunting), and enjoyed the fireplace. Dan is a stud. He cooked just about every meal--homemade chili, spaghetti with venison, and a hearty breakfast. Here are some pics of our time with them (and a fun video!):

I hope this paints a little picture of our life these past few months. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

caljoy said...

Dancing dogs, christmas trees smashed into garages, freezing cold weather, what's not to love? So glad you are having fun.