Wednesday, December 08, 2010

freezing in ohio

Laura and I arrived in Dover, Ohio a few days ago and are settling in nicely. Well, I have settled in nicely--Laura still has her stuff spread around the guestroom. We were greeted warmly by Mina's slobbering jowls, Andy's bear hugs, and Mom's kisses. The weather here is, eerr, a brisk 25 degrees in the middle of the day (I'm freezing!).

So we went out to pick a Christmas tree today. Our first stop was a Christmas tree farm. We walked up and down rows and rows of giant sized and greatly thinned out trees. The selection wasn't that great. But I did manage to nearly freeze out there. At one point I couldn't feel my face and at another point I'm pretty sure my eyeball froze. We headed next to a little house that rounds up trees from a nearby farm and sells them in their driveway. We found a nice big ole tree that we thought would like great in the living room, though Mama Chapman nearly crunched it as she attempted to park her car in the garage with the tree still on the roof! Uh-oh! The damage was moderate, btu I think the tree will survive...maybe. Here's a pic of the tree pre-crunch.

I unfortunately don't have a pic of the tree stuck in between the garage door and the attic, but you could imagine what it looked like as she started backing up once she realized what she had done.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Mama C. said...

Yeppir..."tree crunching"! It's an original trick for this Mama and definitely an experience I'm certain never to live down! :)