Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Welcoming Baby Rosengirl

That's right, we're expecting a little girl! We've longed for a second child, and are thrilled Owen is going to have a little sister.

Sadly, our baby has some serious health issues. She has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus, and will need to have a shunt placed (permanently) to drain the excess fluid from around her brain. Laura is scheduled for a c-section on April 30th (baby girl will be delivered three weeks early, as the doctors feel she'll be better off making her debut sooner than later), and our baby girl will have surgery the following day on May 1st.

We expect our daughter will need to spend weeks in the NICU here in Durham, North Carolina. (We returned to the States in March to pursue her care.) Though her future is very uncertain, we trust God with her life and already consider her a treasured member of our family. We are so grateful for the specialized team of doctors at Duke who will be helping her, as well as for the family and friends who have been caring for us in this challenging season.

If you feel so lead, please join us in praying for our sweet baby girl! Ask for best case scenarios and miraculous healing. Ask for strength, grace, and provision for our family. And ask that God would be glorified in our lives, regardless of where we are or what our circumstances look like.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

James & Laura,
We are Fair Oaks people & were in a Life Group with your parents. How can we subscribe to your blog? Sounds like you are doing well with baby Adelyn. She is adorable.
Susan & Al Giantvalley