Saturday, October 08, 2011

sad october

This past week was the "national holiday," which means everybody gets off school the entire week; well at least the foreign students. The Chinese students here in Lijiang have to make up two days worth of the holiday on Saturday and Sunday. Why don't they just use the weekend as part of the holiday and have class two days of class during the week? No one knows why, it's just the way it is.

So what did we do for our break??? Well, Laura is currently in Indonesia. Her best friend Sheila is also on her vacation and decided to spend it in Indo and asked Laura to tag Laura did....for 12 days! Yes, I know what you must be thinking, "How is James gonna survive 12 days without Laura?" That's a great question. I've already lost 8 lbs, I can't find anymore clean clothes, and I have a mild case of pneumonia because I get too cold at night! But seriously, I miss her. I knew it was going to be hard, but not this hard! But she's having a great time in Indo. She'll tell you more about it when she gets back.

So Laura wanted me to post some pics of our finished (almost) apartment. The process of "making home" has taken forever. It's hard to find things you like and harder to get them to LJ when you do find them. But here are some pics of what we have so far. Enjoy!

James & Laura unwrapping the furniture we ordered:

Patio, dining table, entry way:

Living room:


Guest bedroom and bathroom (wet bathroom, no division):

Master bedroom (still unfinished):

Master bathroom:


Scot said...


1) Your apartment looks nicer than our condo! Jealous.

2) The guest bath has a squattie? That will be an experience for any American guests.

Anonymous said...

Omigosh, your place looks amazing!! Jacob and I can't wait to come visit you! :)