Thursday, February 03, 2011

2 weeks

We have made it to mainland China! Woohoo! And we've been here for two weeks! Time is just flying by!

It was tough saying goodbye to family and friends, but we've been preparing to move on and start our life as Chinese students. Thanks to all who have been giving us support and love through our time of transition. We are so grateful!

The last two weeks have mostly consisted of apt shopping. It is not a renter's market right now, but we have been able to see some places that are suitable. We will be taking over our friend's lease for 6 months until we can find a place of our own. This is a huge blessing as we don't feel rushed to sign a lease that we don't want.

We start mandarin classes at the end of the month. We're excited to get a grip on the language and practice in the markets. And maybe we can begin to understand what people are murmuring and laughing about as they walk by us on the street :) We stand out like a sore thumb here. Laura has blond hair blue eyes, and I'm 6'3'', you could imagine.

We just celebrated the New Year and I compiled a little video for your enjoyment. Thanks for reading.


Pearly said...

Happy year of the bunny to you too!!

Jeremy "Ping" Jenson said...

So glad you guys made it! Hopefully you will find a place with a guest room!

Pat Hall said...

dude bro I miss the Chinese fireworks!

I don't know if you found out but the last day of the Chinese New Year is by far the best time to buy as many fireworks as you can cause they can't sell them after that and then you can get really good deals.

Pat Hall said...

Dude bro makin' me miss China and the fun fireworks festivities. Just wait til next year when your Chinese will be good enough to bargain up a storm some really cool fireworks for extremely cheap!